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Article about Vastu
a hand-written document - Temple rituals -plus inscriptions and related stories
Tamil Astrology Palm-Leaf Manuscript 014
A Tamil palm-leaf astrology text written in prose. This manuscript is being steward by Bala Sivakadadcham family.
Tamil Astrology Palm-Leaf Manuscript (Nimitham)
A Tamil astrology text (divination - குறிசொல்லுதல்) written in question and answer format. This manuscript is being steward by Bala Sivakadadcham family.
Tamil Palm Leaf Manuscripts
The Digital Tamil Palm-Leaf Manuscripts Collection at the UTSC Library currently consists of 30 palm-leaf manuscripts (2599 pages). The sources were provided by Dr. Bala Sivakadadcham family, Prof. Ravi Thambi and Jeya family and Dr. Kirubakaran family from the local Tamil community. These physical manuscripts are originally from Sri Lanka, and are tentatively dated from the 1700s to 1900s by Dr. Bala Sivakadadcham. He further assisted in developing the preliminary descriptive metadata. The majority of the works are about Tamil medicine written in verse. The works also cover literature, astrology, and religion.